Friday, June 18, 2010

Meet more travelers

We've presented our first traveler, Taite, a few entries back. Now here is the rest of our travelin' crew. Katy's in Atlanta putting in her last day of work before our big adventure. She's made lots of the plans and probably has the best grasp of exactly what it is we're going to be doing. She put together our last summer adventure when we explored the Hill Country of Texas. Here she's about to explore that great Texas dish--the chicken-fried steak.

And here are the parents--on that Wimberly Hill Country ramble. Bob surveyed the heights from a really high hill--he's be at much greater heights next week in Denali. Along with Katy, he's made the plans. Don't know how he managed to find a flight that goes from Atlanta to Houston and then on to Anchorage. We'll all be together,And me, Trilla-the-hat-lover enjoying her birthday Stetson very, very much.

News of our hosts soon.


  1. Cute pictures of all three...How can your birthday be rolling round again...but maybe you can celebrate in Alaska or am I first. I am keeping up!

  2. These birthdays do it! You are first, by a week. July 20, July 27. Zip. Tempus Fugit.
