Bears! Eagles! Moose and more moose! Having great fun with the crew. Yesterday there was a moose in Meri's front yard. We dashed out to say "hello," but from a distance. Don't mess with a mommy moose! Today we're off to meet some bears by air and drop by a volcano on the way home. Plus, naturally, chowin' down three squares a day.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Bears, Eagles, Moose
Bears! Eagles! Moose and more moose! Having great fun with the crew. Yesterday there was a moose in Meri's front yard. We dashed out to say "hello," but from a distance. Don't mess with a mommy moose! Today we're off to meet some bears by air and drop by a volcano on the way home. Plus, naturally, chowin' down three squares a day.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Super Soldatna
We're in Soldatna (I'll try to find an Alaska map to post) on the Kenai Peninsula. Wonderful for many reasons--family first, unbelievable setting, incredible food. We stood on the deck watching the bald eagles soar (immature and grown-up), while the Kenai River rushed by. Dinner is family-caught red salmon prepared by master griller Oz.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Reindeer or Caribou?
We've all always wondered--what is the difference in a caribou, like these cooling off on a chunk of ice in Denali National Park, and a reindeer. Here are reindeer enjoying life at our Wasilla home, the Agate Inn. (If you come to W. stay here. It's great.)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
We're here!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Wonderful week
Saturday, June 19, 2010
And the hosts and with some of the crew

And here are our hosts--the folks we're going to be visiting-- plus one. The tall, guy on the back row is my cousin Don (Barb's brother), darn it, he won't be there, but he's following the blog from California. Oz has the super moustache and is standing on the left. He's married to my cousin Barb who is front and center. Her mother, Meri, is right in front of Bob on Barb's left Meri was married to my Uncle Jack. Got that all straight?
The other news is that the bearded man behind Meri is no longer bearded! I'm embarrassed--I didn't notice for a couple of days! I'm the other person (on Barb's right and by the dashing Oz). We're a great crew!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Meet more travelers
We've presented our first traveler, Taite, a few entries back. Now here is the rest of our travelin' crew. Katy's in Atlanta putting in her last day of work before our big adventure. She's made lots of the plans and probably has the best grasp of exactly what it is we're going to be doing. She put together our last summer adventure when we explored the Hill Country of Texas. Here she's about to explore that great Texas dish--the chicken-fried steak.
And here are the parents--on that Wimberly Hill Country ramble. Bob surveyed the heights from a really high hill--he's be at much greater heights next week in Denali. Along with Katy, he's made the plans. Don't know how he managed to find a flight that goes from Atlanta to Houston and then on to Anchorage. We'll all be together,And me, Trilla-the-hat-lover enjoying her birthday Stetson very, very much.
News of our hosts soon.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Houston happening
We’re all having
Yesterday we had a swim with the family, and then the traditional first-night-in-Houston dinner of Tex-Mex at Juanita’s. On the way home, we stopped to watch the bats emerge from the Waugh St. bridge on Allen Parkway. Downtown Houston shimmered in the evening light.
Today we visited Canino’s Market—more vegetables and fruits than you’ve ever seen! Bob and Taite had a lesson in tamarinds. We’re going to make tea. (One of these days!)
The big news--we broke 100 degrees about mid afternoon! We'll be ready for Alaska!
Sunday, June 13, 2010

A week and a day and we are on our way! Meanwhile, meet the travelers. And one of them is traveling right this minute. Taite is in the air between
Taite is a rising senior at Albemarle High in
Thursday, June 10, 2010

We arrive in Anchorage around 7 pm local time on June 21 with much to look forward to starting off with the long Alaska evening on this day of the summer solstice (as well as the Moose Tooth pizza). The sun will set at 11:42 pm. We'll watch it skim below the horizon. It will be back bright and early at 4:21 on June 22. We may miss that one.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Yes, Verizon does offer coverage in Alaska
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What's for dinner
Monday, June 7, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
Omen for a great trip
We’re getting ready. The clothing list is mostly a line of neat checks. It’s hard to dig out the flannel shirts and sweaters in the
This is going to be such fun, of course we’ll want to share it by sending lots of postcards. I’ve got my postcard address list ready—that’s usually the first obstacle to sending cards—where’d I put those addresses? This time I’m really ready. I’ve made labels for the folks I want to send several cards to across the trip.
Peel, stick, and—oh wait! Who has a stamp? And what does it take to mail a postcard?
I took care of that today. Off to the post office to stand in the Friday afternoon line. Whatever was I thinking? I didn’t make chit-chat. I bought a couple of sheets of postcard stamps and was out of there. I didn’t even look at them until I got to the door.
Then I laughed out loud. Talk about an omen for a good, good trip! Here are my stamps!
Friday, May 21, 2010
To do list
The countdown begins!

D-day minus 31!
Countdown Day. A month from today four Pandos, Katy, Taite, Bob, and Trilla, will buckle in a Continental flight in Houston and soar north heading for fun, family and adventure in Alaska.
During this countdown month, we’ll share some of our fun and frustrations in getting the show on the road—but the real fun starts June 21, 2010.
Isn’t the longest day a great day to head for the Land of the Midnight Sun?